Excel+ Groups are the lifeblood of our ministry. Because of the size of Excel, we want to provide quality ministry for each student and to develop genuine Christian Community. Excel+ Groups are where relationships are built, where one-on-one ministry happens, and where most of our activities take place.

Some great things happen in Excel+. Students who have given their lives to Christ are getting connected. Students go deeper in their walk with God and gain more discipleship. Students are finding a place and a way to build friendships with other Christians their age.  We want to see students opening up to one another, sharing their feelings, experiences, and questions. We do our best to make sure our leaders aren’t the only people talking and spending the entire evening teaching or preaching.

Meeting every Friday night at 6:30.

we have 3 excel+ groups

J – Walkers

6, 7, & 8 Grades


The 606

Freshman & Sophmores


The Mix

Juniors & Seniors
